The Gospel Shapes Who We Are

The Gospel is Central
The gospel is the announcement that God is creating a kingdom for himself by redeeming people through the work of Jesus Christ. The gospel is that you are saved through faith in the work of Christ on your behalf, as an act of grace. The gospel is central, because it has the power to impact every area of our lives and brings us into community with one another.

The Gospel Changes People
We celebrate how the gospel changes the lives of people who meet Jesus Christ and the people who have believed for many years. It is not merely a message to be believed once, but is the power for believers to overcome struggles in their lives. The gospel therefore is transforming anyone who believes.

The Gospel Shapes Community
The gospel shapes how we relate to one another. Our church is united to Christ and therefore each other rather than by our political and cultural identities. We celebrate our ethnic diversity. Gospel change primarily happens in the rhythm of spiritual disciplines within relationships. These relationships proclaim the gospel as it transforms us into a community different from our culture. This community is marked by humility, generosity, and friendship. Our community practically expresses these things in membership, discipleship, and making commitments to watch over one another in love.

The Gospel Sends us Out
The gospel compels us outward, to share the good news of Jesus while seeking justice and mercy for vulnerable peoples. This sending out happens as the church equips everyone to serve in the places where God has called them, whether in the Gallatin Valley, domestically, or globally. The ministry of our church is led through organic and informal relationships rather than a staff-led program. The scope of our discipleship and equipping extends to the nations, marked by thoughtful cross-cultural ministry where we send trained and equipped people out for the sake of God's fame.