Frequently Asked Questions
If you don't find the answer you're looking for, please feel free to contact us.
Life Groups
What happens in a Life Group?
In Life Groups we meet to encourage one another to follow Jesus. Following Jesus is not something we were ever meant to do alone. In his grace, God has given us brothers and sisters in Christ so that we can follow Christ together. This means we pray for one another and help each other think more deeply about what we are learning from God's word, so that we can put into practice the truth of the gospel.
When and where do Life Groups meet?
Redeemer Life Groups meet all around the Gallatin Valley, usually in someone's home. They also meet at different times so that you might be able to find one that's close to you and that works with your schedule.
Who will be in my group?
Groups are for everyone. They are multigenerational and made up of people from all stages of life and all stages of faith. Every person offers a unique contribution to this smaller expression of the people of God. One group might have singles, parents with young children, and couples celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. We encourage taking part in this opportunity to engage with others as we live out the Gospel in community.
Is there childcare?
It depends on the group, but the group that's right for you will be happy to have the whole family.
Is it ok to change groups?
Yes! Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, you might need to change groups. All Life Group Leaders understand this, so if you need to find a new group, contact either your current leader or our Discipleship Pastor, Dan Collins, and we'll help you find a good fit.
Giving Questions
Can I give automatically from my checking, savings or credit card account?
Yes! Please contact our office to set up automatic withdrawal.
Are there fees related to credit card transactions?
We are charged a 3% fee to process credit cards which is subtracted from the gift before it is passed along.
Why can’t I write the name of the person I want to support in the memo of the check?
Per IRS rules, you cannot receive a tax deduction for a gift that is designated to an individual. Redeemer has full control over your gift. However, when you send your gift or set up automated giving, you can designate on a reply card where/who you would like your gift to be applied to.
Are gifts to Redeemer tax-deductible?
Yes! But make sure that if you donate by check that you don't write anything on the memo line!